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Innovation insights for life sciences

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Venn diagram showing intersection of data science and subject matter experience leads to insights in developing new medicine

Read the latest article

Chemists unite! InChI is now built for collaboration — and scale

The International Chemical Identifier (InChI) is going through a massive transformation — meet two of its champions who are helping bring InChI to the masses.

Stock photo of scientists looking at laptop screen

Drug repurposing

Drug repurposing: approaches and methods

Drug repurposing can significantly reduce timelines and cost compared with de novo drug development. Explore drug repurposing topics, including:

  • 3 approaches to drug repurposing

  • Drug repurposing methods

  • Drug repurposing challenges

Petri dish of pills

Alternatives to animal testing

Alternatives to animal testing

Dive into innovative methodologies, cutting-edge research and ethical considerations aimed at fostering a future without animal testing in a recorded webinar series featuring the following experts:

Tray of funnels

Medical device regulation

Medical device regulation: landscape and trends

Medical device regulation (MDR) compliance is a challenge for medical device companies. Review key topics in MDR and access a popular webinar series to avoid errors in securing device approvals:

  • MDR throughout the product lifecycle

  • Trends and challenges in MDR

  • Why do regulatory submissions and applications get rejected?

  • MDR webinars on navigating compliance challenges and achieving certification

Child having ct scan