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Visionary Voices

Hear from Elsevier Health leaders on AI in healthcare

Contact us to learn more Healthcare leaders Clinicians & Residents abre em uma nova guia/janela

Doctor with mobile phone

Improving every patient outcome

In this video, Jan Herzhoff, President of Health Markets at Elsevier, and Mie-Yun Lee, Chief of Staff at Elsevier, share how AI can help solve for some of the challenges the healthcare industry faces and their hopes on how AI can help clinicians deliver high-quality care. 

“AI actually has the ability to close the gap between the demands that society has and the realities that we face today.” - Mie-Yun Lee 

Visionary Voices: Improving every patient outcome

Advice to clinicians considering AI support in decision making

In this video, Jan Herzhoff, President of Health Markets at Elsevier, and Mie-Yun Lee, Chief of Staff at Elsevier, describe important considerations clinicians should make when implementing AI technology and how responsible AI principles play a vital role in the development of generative AI solutions for healthcare. 

“For us it’s super critical that this content is delivered in a very responsible way to healthcare providers across the globe.” - Jan Herzhoff 

Visionary Voices: Advice to clinicians considering AI support in decision making

The combination of world-class information and generative AI

In this video, Elsevier’s content experts Dr. Louise Chang and Mie-Yun Lee describe the benefit of Elsevier’s deep history of trusted content and the impact it has on the quality of our AI tools. 

“Elsevier is uniquely positioned to deliver clinical AI initiatives because of our strength in our content and our history in delivering evidence-based, peer-reviewed information to clinicians around the world.”  - Louise Chang 

Visionary Voices: The combination of world-class information and generative AI

How AI can enhance clinical decision-making

In this video, Elsevier Health’s clinical experts Dr. Paul Helmuth, Dr. Claudine Lott, and Dr. Louise Chang describe some of the challenges clinicians face in today’s healthcare environment and how AI can support clinicians in addressing these challenges. 

“Using an AI tool can help to really speed that process up and to help increase the confidence that clinicians have that they’re getting to the right answer for their particular patient.” - Dr. Paul Helmuth 

Visionary Voices: How AI can enhance clinical decision-making

Potential challenges for implementing AI for physicians

In this video, Elsevier Health’s clinical experts Dr. Paul Helmuth and Dr. Claudine Lott share challenges that could come from using AI for clinical scenarios and how to address those challenges with technology.  

“One of the biggest considerations when implementing AI for clinical decision support for physicians is accuracy and trust in the answers. So we can address this by using a corpus of trusted, evidence-based information that the AI can draw from so that clinicians can have faith in the information they’re receiving.”  - Dr. Claudine Lott  

Visionary Voices: Potential challenges for implementing AI for physicians

How to balance clinical expertise with trustworthy AI capabilities

In this video, Elsevier Health’s clinical experts Dr. Paul Helmuth and Dr. Claudine Lott describe the importance of personal clinician interactions with patients and the role of AI in supporting clinicians. 

“We all feel some sense of responsibility to be giving great care that we can stand behind. So we need transparent processes so that everybody can see how we're generating the responses that we are that are leading to the care of patients.” - Dr. Paul Helmuth 

Visionary Voices: How to balance clinical expertise with trustworthy AI capabilities

The future impact of AI in healthcare

In this video, Elsevier Health’s technology experts Katie Scranton and Rhett Alden outline how a responsible AI framework can help mitigate potential ethical challenges with AI in healthcare and share their predictions on what the future holds for AI in the industry. 

“In the future of AI in healthcare I really see a move toward a careful and responsible application of these models in a way that will help clinicians solve their problems more efficiently, not in a way that would solve problems for clinicians.”  - Katie Scranton 

AI security and functionality with healthcare considerations

In this video, Elsevier Health’s technology experts Katie Scranton and Rhett Alden describe what content storage and search functionality looks like presently in ClinicalKey AI and why it’s important for healthcare systems. 

“ClinicalKey AI is based on a vector search model, but most importantly, it uses proprietary large language models to help drive that search. That's a very innovative model that we're using rather than relying on conventional search technologies.” - Rhett Alden 

Visionary Voices: AI security and functionality with healthcare considerations

Measuring quality and accuracy of responses in ClinicalKey AI

In this video, data scientist and RN Leah Livingston shares how metrics like accuracy and potential harmfulness are important factors in determining the effectiveness of responses provided in ClinicalKey AI. 

“Clinicians can trust our results because we’ve partnered with clinicians, statisticians, and data scientists to ensure we’ve powered our study appropriately so that we can ensure reliable and valid data.”  - Leah Livingston 

Visionary Voices: Measuring quality and accuracy of responses in ClinicalKey AI

ClinicalKey AI: Conteúdo confiável. Desenvolvido por uma IA responsável.

close up of doctor with ipad