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Happy first anniversary, ClinicalKey AI!

Marking a year of innovation, ClinicalKey AI has empowered clinicians with the information to tackle complex patient cases, make informed decisions and enhance efficiency. Join us in celebrating its meaningful impact on healthcare.

male doctor with AI sparkle background

Over the past year, ClinicalKey AI has empowered clinicians with trusted content and advanced AI technology to make informed decisions and enhance patient care.

I think the speed of the answer and the ability to ask questions in natural language, as opposed to going in and trying to do a search, gives it a real edge over other clinical resources. Just to be able to ask a question in natural language and get a very prompt answer that is accurate is great.

Dr. Barry Wendt, MD, St. Elizabeth Healthcare

Dr. Barry Wendt

I liked that there were references available if I had any questions about it. I thought the information was presented in a useful way and it helped me be more efficient in clinic.

Dr. Carrie Bacon, Program Director Southwest Healthcare MEC Family Medicine Residency Program

Dr. Carrie Bacon, Program Director

Over 70% of physicians and APPs agree that ClinicalKey AI would enhance their confidence in clinical decisions, and over half stated it would reduce the likelihood of medical errors.2

Prêmio MedTech Breakthrough 2024 para inovação em IA

Vencedor do Prêmio MedTech Breakthrough 2024 para inovação em IA

ClinicalKey AI foi reconhecido por:

  • Permitir que os médicos façam perguntas naturalmente e obtenham respostas em uma fração do tempo.

  • Ter conteúdo médico confiável disponível por meio do ClinicalKey AI, que permite que os médicos explorem uma variedade de condições de doenças e opções de tratamento.

  • Dar aos hospitais a capacidade de inovar com diretrizes sensatas e utilizar ferramentas de IA especificamente projetadas para aplicação clínica.

Leia o comunicado à imprensa aqui

MedTech Breakthrough Award for AI Innovation for ClinicalKey AI

Implementing artificial intelligence and the importance of transparency for patients

October 2024 In this Contemporary Pediatrics abre em uma nova guia/janela video interview, Paul (PJ) Helmuth, MD, practicing pediatrician, Valley Medical Associates, physician clinical executive, Elsevier, Springfield, Massachusetts, discussed how artificial intelligence (AI) is being incorporated in various ways throughout the health care space, including in pediatric care.

Helmuth shared insights on the potential of AI in clinical settings and addressed the concerns of pediatricians who may be skeptical about adopting AI tools in their practice. One application Helmuth discussed is Elsevier’s ClinicalKey AI.

Contemporary Pediatrics video thumbnail

ACC guidelines are now integrated into Elsevier’s ClinicalKey AI.

January 2025 Elsevier and the ACC have partnered for more than 40 years, with a long tradition of bringing the latest Guidelines to clinicians in JACC, and now via the latest innovative channels through ClinicalKey AI. With this recent partnership expansion, clinicians can quickly review details and specific sections from the ACC’s Guidelines and Expert Consensus Decision Pathways, bulleted and summarized by ClinicalKey AI’s response generation. Users can either quickly access specific information needed from the guidelines while actively reviewing their patient’s medications, follow-up on scans, or click on citations to directly access the full-text Guidelines and Consensus Statements.

American College of Cardiology logo

McLaren Health Care taps AI as 'personal tutor' for medical knowledge

February 2025 McLaren Health Care is leveraging ClinicalKey AI to enhance medical knowledge and support their healthcare professionals. Dr. Flora from McLaren shared in a recent Becker’s Hospital Review article, "This AI feels like a personal tutor — it allows users to keep asking follow-up questions, filling in knowledge gaps in a highly efficient way." Discover why McLaren Health Care chose ClinicalKey AI abre em uma nova guia/janela in the full article.

Becker's Hospital Review logo

Press release

Elsevier announces expansion to their flagship clinical decision support solution, ClinicalKey AI

March 4, 2025

New functionality and partnerships make it easier for clinicians to access crucial information at the point of care and log learning credits

Elsevier, a global leader in health information and data analytics, has announced further enhancements to ClinicalKey AI, the company’s leading generative AI-powered clinical decision support solution. The new functionality and integrations with strategic partners aim to transform the way healthcare providers access and utilize actionable insights, enhancing patient care and efficiency directly within the clinician’s workflow.  

Seamless workflows are crucial for doctors as they enable them to focus more on patient care, reduce time-consuming administrative tasks, and access relevant information efficiently. To serve the needs of busy clinicians, ClinicalKey AI is launching new workflow integrations in the electronic health record (EHR) with Epic1 and into the health information technology (HIT) space with iPrescribe by DrFirst, along with a new mobile app available for Apple and Android users. 

2 Survey includes completed responds from 177 physicians and advanced practice providers residing in North America from January to October 2024.