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Solangel Minotta


Solangel Minotta

Director, Strategic Partnerships & Publisher Relations


Introducing Solangel Minotta, our Director of Strategic Partnerships & Publisher Relations, a key asset to the Knovel team for 16 years. Raised in vibrant New York City, Solangel channels her passion for connection and collaboration into her work, ensuring that engineers worldwide have access to the high-quality, authoritative resources they need to drive innovation.   As the steward of relationships and 3rd party copyright, Solangel manages relationships with 160+ content partners, ensuring global access to high-quality, authoritative materials for research, innovation and critical decision-making. For example, by connecting engineering societies with Knovel, Solangel facilitates the dissemination of essential knowledge, empowering professionals to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges with confidence and clarity. 

Beyond licensing activities, she fosters thought leadership in the engineering space. Collaborating with marketing teams, Solangel creates inspiring content that fuels innovation and community among engineers. Her dedication to enhancing user experiences and enabling better research outcomes solidifies Knovel's role as a cornerstone of progress in engineering. 

Reflecting on her journey, Solangel advises her younger self to practice the art of listening.  Listening is critical skill in building authentic relationships as it allows for empathy and effective communication, leading to stronger connections, mutual trust, and successful outcomes.