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Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Dr. Julie Steele, AP/CP Board Certified pathologist, The Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Dr. Julie Steele, AP/CP Board Certified pathologist, The Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center (USA)

9 de agosto de 2022

Please briefly describe who you are and your role.

My name is Julie Steele, MD. I am an AP/CP Board Certified pathologist who specializes in Breast Pathology. A large portion of my practice is also dermatopathology, thoracic pathology, and GYN pathology. I am the Chair of the Department of Pathology, Scripps Clinic Medical Group and the Service Line Director of Oncologic Pathology, Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center

What problems were you attempting to solve when you started using ExpertPath?

We are a partially subspecialized practice. Though we each cover 3-4 subspecialty areas, we all have to cover all AP subspecialties when we are on call. Also, we cover three hospitals. It is important to have a quick and up-to-date reference when we are on call at various sites. ExpertPath solves the problem of trying to keep up-to-date reference books at all sites for all subspecialties.

From your point of view, what are the biggest benefits you found in using ExpertPath in your day-to-day routine?

We cover three hospitals and may not be in our “home” office every day. ExpertPath allows us to have an up-to-date reference at all sites that we cover.

What’s the primary reason you would recommend ExpertPath?

The information is easy to access, up to date and thorough and written by experts in each subspecialty field. The references and photographs are also very helpful.

Is it important in your daily clinical activity to have diagnostic support tools?


It is important to have a quick and up-to-date reference when we are on call at various sites. ExpertPath solves the problem.

Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Dr. Julie Steele, AP/CP Board Certified pathologist, The Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Dr. Julie Steele, AP/CP Board Certified pathologist, The Scripps MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA

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