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Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Prof. Cecily Quinn MD, FRCPI, FRCPath, FFPath, Ireland

Prof. Cecily Quinn MD, FRCPI, FRCPath, FFPath (Ireland)

21 de março de 2023

Please briefly describe who you are and your institution:

I am a Consultant Histopathologist at BreastCheck, the Irish National Breast Screening Programme, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, and Clinical Full Professor at University College Dublin, Ireland.

What problems were you attempting to solve with ExpertPath?

Our department of histopathology is a busy teaching hospital department reporting on over 35,000 surgical pathology specimens annually from a broad range of specialties including breast, gastrointestinal, genito-urinary, gynaecological, soft tissue, hepatobiliary, lymphoreticular, and Dermatopathology. We provide postgraduate education for histopathologists in training, in accordance with the curriculum specified by The Faculty of Pathology at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, who contribute to the delivery of clinical service. We require ready access to a broad database of information that is comprehensive and contemporary.

What three benefits have you experienced since using ExpertPath?

ExpertPath has been a great addition to our department in terms of supporting our clinical diagnostic practice and facilitating further education. ExpertPath is a living document that is regularly updated to ensure that users have instant access to the latest information. Each section is structured in a logical manner starting with normal histology and covering all aspects including molecular characteristics. The sections on differential diagnosis and key immunohistochemical studies are particularly helpful. The well laid out text, with useful checklists, is supported by high-quality photomicrographs. In addition to core pathology information, clinical issues are presented with an emphasis on epidemiology, presentation, treatment options, and prognosis. Key references are also included.

How do you use ExpertPath in your day-to-day workflow?

The system is utilized by consultants and trainee histopathologists to support our diagnostic work and to further our knowledge in terms of clarifying specific detail on pathological entities and considering differential diagnoses.

What is the primary reason you would recommend ExpertPath:

ExpertPath is extremely easy to use and is suitable for histopathologists at all stages from those who are commencing training to experienced consultants.

ExpertPath has been a great addition to our department.

Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Prof. Cecily Quinn MD, FRCPI, FRCPath, FFPath, Ireland

Step forward: ExpertPath & ImmunoQuery - Prof. Cecily Quinn MD, FRCPI, FRCPath, FFPath, Ireland

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