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Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Richard J Levine, General Diagnostic Radiologist (Canada)

Dr. Richard J Levine, General Diagnostic Radiologist (Canada)

9 de agosto de 2022

Please briefly describe who you are and your role?

I am a general Diagnostic Radiologist working at an acute care hospital and oncology center as well as servicing community radiology clinics in Ontario, Canada.

What problems were you attempting to solve when you started using STATdx?

I started using STATdx because it was difficult to curate relevant diagnostic imaging information in an efficient manner.

From your point of view, what are the biggest benefits you found in using STATdx in your day-to-day routine?

STATdx provides relevant diagnostic imaging information in an easy-to-navigate, detailed, informative, and up-to-date manner. It saves time. It includes valuable images, diagnostic criteria, and staging guidelines. It is a useful source of differential diagnosis, background information about disease processes, and management guidelines.

What’s the primary reason you would recommend STATdx?

STATdx is easy to use, packed with information, and saves time.

It is important in my daily clinical activity to have access to diagnostic support tools.

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Richard J Levine, General Diagnostic Radiologist (Canada)

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Richard J Levine, General Diagnostic Radiologist (Canada)

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