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Institutional reputation & rankings

Powerfully showcase strengths, achievements and impact; transforming your institution’s standing and influence in the global academic community.

two climbers reaching summit

Dê o melhor de si na sua instituição, todos os dias - aumentando sua reputação acadêmica

58% dos líderes acadêmicos globais estão frustrados com a falta de maneiras de mostrar o impacto da pesquisa no mundo em geral. Our solutions are designed to help you:

  • Permita que narrativas impactantes sejam criadas, exibidas e descobertas

  • Avalie o impacto bibliométrico e no mundo real da pesquisa - atraindo as melhores oportunidades e criando ciclos virtuosos de sucesso

  • Obtenha as informações e os insights necessários para entender, planejar e monitorar sua estratégia de classificação

58% of academic leaders and funders say they are frustrated due to lack of ways to show research's impact on the wider world

SciVal: Enhance institutional impact and reputation

Build your reputation for excellence with insights from the datasets used in world university rankings and through uncovering your broader impact on society at the organization, research group and individual level.

Transform ranking analysis. Understand your university's performance with access to the actual bibliometric dataset used in key rankings.

Scopus: Obtenha insights para dominar sua estratégia de classificação

Obtenha as informações e os insights necessários para entender, planejar e monitorar sua estratégia de classificação.

An infographic displaying a breakdown of data on cited references from Scopus, dating back to 1970.

Pure: Build institutional reputation through achievements and impact

Showcase achievements, expertise and societal impact by aggregating past research outcomes and collaborations; so you can enhance your institution's reputation as a leader in innovation and excellence.

Exhibit your organization externally. Highlight your researchers and their achievements, and contribute to your reputation.

Digital Commons: Optimize institutional impact through research promotion

Showcase, save, share, publish and promote your institution's research, scholarship and collections, so you can increase your institution’s impact.

Optimize your institution's impact, showcase your research, scholarschip and collections.

Procure insights e recursos para:

Encontre informações que fundamentem a tomada de decisão estratégica para que sua pesquisa possa prosperar, favorecer a sociedade e promover o crescimento econômico.

Ajudamos financiadores a desenvolver estratégias para melhorar mecanismos de financiamento ineficientes, auxiliando os principais casos de uso em todo o fluxo de trabalho de financiamento.

Orientação e recursos especializados para promover suas pesquisas e descobertas.

Ferramentas e recursos para aprimorar suas habilidades, oferecer serviços de biblioteca e defender seus interesses em sua instituição.

woman looking at screen

“With Pure, we can let people know about the breadth of research that we do…. It enables us to tell the full story of the University of Kentucky.”


Baron Wolf, PhD

Assistant Vice President for Research & Director of Research Analytics em University of Kentucky, USA

Increase your institutional reputation. Contact our sales team to discover how our solutions can benefit your organization.

Man writing on a desk