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Announcing: 2024 Otto Warburg Medal Award winner and BBA Collection: Protein structure formation and the role of chaperones
Image caption: Professor Dr. Johannes Buchner, 2024 recipient of the Otto Warburg Medal Award
2024 Otto Warburg Medal Award
We are delighted to announce that the 2024 Otto Warburg Medal Award has been presented to Professor Dr. Johannes Buchner in recognition of his fundamental contributions to protein structure formation and the role of chaperones.
The 2024 Otto Warburg Medal Award was presented at the 76th Mosbacher Kolloquium
Image caption: From left to right: Daniel Otzen, Aarhus University, Denmark, Editor-in-Chief BBA Journals; Professor Dr. Johannes Buchner, Technical University of Munich, Germany; Volker Haucke, President of the GBM and Director of the Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie Berlin and Institute for Pharmacy of the Free University of Berlin; Manon Burger, Publishing Director, Life Sciences, Elsevier.
BBA Collection Otto Warburg 2024: Protein structure formation and the role of chaperones
This curated compilation, sourced from the family of ten BBA Journals over the period 2018-2024, serves as a tribute to Professor Dr. Johannes Buchner. Dr. Buchner is the 2024 recipient of the Otto Warburg Medal Award, an award which BBA is honoured to sponsor. Professor Buchner has made pioneering contributions to many different aspects of protein science, in particular to the role of chaperones in safeguarding protein folding and antibody stability. These proteins are “protectors”, either of the organism itself or of the many different proteins whose correct folding is a prerequisite for their function. The articles compiled are original research and reviews published across the BBA journals that illustrate the breadth and complexity of these proteins.