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One Health Day

3 November 2023

One-Health-Day-2023 image

“One Health Day answers the urgent need for a One Health trans-disciplinary approach towards solving today’s critical global health challenges. It is a timely initiative that gives scientists and advocates a powerful voice for moving beyond current provincial approaches to emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, climate change, environmental pollution, and many other problems, to a holistic default way of doing business.” – One Health Day Campaignabre em uma nova guia/janela

The aim of One Health Day is to bring urgent attention to the need for One Health interactions and approaches, recognising that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and the shared environment.

Enjoy this special collection of call for papers and articles from Elsevier’s One Health titles!

Article collections

IJID One Health

The International Journal of Infectious Diseases One Health (IJIDOH), an open access, peer-reviewed journal published monthly online by the International Society for Infectious Diseasesabre em uma nova guia/janela, promotes original research and perspectives related to One Health. IJID One Health will feature updates, commentaries, and scholarly work from key leaders, visionaries, and organizations using a One Health approach. The aim of IJIDOH is to advance scientific knowledge related to the connections between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment.

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One Health

The official journal of the International Federation for Tropical Medicineabre em uma nova guia/janela. The mission of One Health is to provide a platform for rapid communication of high quality scientific knowledge on inter- and intra-species pathogen transmission, bringing together leading experts in virology, bacteriology, parasitology, mycology, vectors and vector-borne diseases, tropical health, veterinary sciences, pathology, immunology, food safety, mathematical modelling, epidemiology, public health research and emergency preparedness. 

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Science in One Health

Science in One Health is dedicated to real-world research findings and sharing lessons learnt from programmes on health at the human-animal-environment interfaces.

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