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Acta Psychologica

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An open access, open science journal that aims to foster collaboration across all fields of psychology

Impact Factor: 1.8 | CiteScore: 2.7

Acta Psychologica is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that aims to publish articles relevant to all fields of psychology. Our papers serve as solid building blocks for a research field while still being accessible for readers outside this field.

The journal invites submissions in eight different sections: Clinical and Health Psychology, Cognition, Individual Differences, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Language Psychology, Lifespan Development, Psychology and Technology, and Social Psychology. We aim to continuously add fields where the need arises. We welcome research & replication studies, review articles, meta-analyses, and registered reports.

Proposals for special issues should be made directly to our dedicated Section Editors. The journal embraces all aspects of open science and, to that end, researchers are encouraged to preregister their studies and/or share their data.


Acta Psychologica Covering all Psychology disciplines

Acta Psychologica subject sections

Clinical and Health Psychology

Section Editor: Professor Martin Dempster, PhD

We seek research backed by a robust methodology, where findings will advance knowledge or practice in clinical or health psychology.

The Clinical and Health Psychology section publishes research studies and systematic review articles in any area of clinical psychology or health psychology. These are applied areas of psychology and, consequently, papers reporting the results of research in an applied setting are particularly welcome. We are also keen to receive papers reporting theoretical advances that have implications for applied clinical or health psychology. Papers must report the findings of research conducted with a robust methodology, where the findings will forward knowledge or practice in clinical or health psychology. The research methodology is not restricted. The section publishes research using quantitative or qualitative approaches and also publishes papers reporting the development of new research methods or designs that are particularly relevant to clinical or health psychology. We expect that authors will conform to the most appropriate reporting guidelines when writing their research paper (www.equator-network.orgabre em uma nova guia/janela).

Meet Martin Dempster, Section Editorabre em uma nova guia/janela

What we publish

  • Research studies

  • Systematic reviews

  • Theoretical advances

  • New research method


Section Editor: Dr. Wim Notebaert, PhD

The Cognition section in Acta Psychologica showcases relevant, pioneering advancements in cognitive psychology

The Cognition section publishes research   studies, review articles, and special issues in any area of cognitive   psychology, excluding language research as there is a section devoted to   language psychology. The majority of the articles deal with perception,   attention, working memory, long-term memory, decision making, cognitive   and/or affective control, and motor cognition. Research studies should   be focused on increasing our understanding of human behavior and   cognition. We publish behavioral and neuroscientific papers (EEG, fMRI,   TMS, etc.).

Meet Wim Notebaert, Section Editorabre em uma nova guia/janela

Invitations are open for research articles that:

  1. Deal with any area of cognitive psychology

  2. Focus on improving our understanding of human behavior and cognition

Educational Psychology

Section Editor: Dr. Mohamed Alansari, PhD

The educational psychology section within Acta Psychologica publishes original papers (theoretical and empirical) that use psychological theories and constructs to investigate educational processes, teaching and learning, and promote educational success across learning environments (formal and informal).

This section will highlight scholarly investigations, innovations, and contributions to knowledge and understandings of teaching and learning processes, through robust theoretical framing, clear methodologies and insights designed to speak to current educational challenges.

Key areas of focus include: teacher and student beliefs, engagement and motivation, learning and assessment, memory and cognition, social psychology of classrooms and peer learning, culturally and linguistically responsive research and practice, learning with technologies, indigenous models of education and psychology, student wellbeing.

Meet Mohamed Alansari, Section Editorabre em uma nova guia/janela

Focus areas

  • Engagement and motivation

  • Learning and assessment

  • Memory and cognition

  • Educational and classroom psychology

  • Inclusivity

  • Use of technology

  • Indigenous models of education and psychology

  • Student wellbeing

Author benefits

  • Free PDFs

  • Liberal copyright policies

  • Special discounts

Why choose us?

  • Rigorous peer review

  • Broad scope

  • Open access

  • Fast publishing

Individual Differences

Section Editors: Dr. Colin Cooper, PhD; Professor Julie Aitken Schermer, PhD

Dedicated to understanding the processes around core individual differences.

The Individual Differences section welcomes papers that make an important contribution to our understanding of core individual differences in   personality, intelligence and other cognitive abilities, mood, and motivation and their measurement. We particularly welcome submissions that enhance our understanding of the mechanisms by which individual differences develop and operate by relating questionnaire and test scores to behavioral, developmental, social, physiological, genetic, and   cognitive variables and processes. We are also pleased to consider work   that relates scores on questionnaires or tests to important real-life   behaviors. However, other journals are more suitable for language-translated questionnaires, routine validations, cross-cultural comparisons, and correlational studies, which do not advance our   understanding of core individual differences.

Meet the Individual Differences Section Editors: Colin Cooper abre em uma nova guia/janelaand Julie Aitkenabre em uma nova guia/janela

Areas of study

  • Core individual differences in personality, intelligence and other cognitive abilities, mood and motivation and their measurement

  • Development and operation of individual differences

  • Relation between scores on questionnaires or tests to important real-life behaviors

Industrial & Organizational Psychology

Section Editor: Professor Nhung Hendy, PhD

The Industrial & Organizational Psychology section publishes research focused on understanding individual, group, and organizational behavior in the workplace.

This Journal section focuses on the publication of original research that contribute to the discovery of new knowledge in terms of understanding and evaluating individual, group, and organizational behavior in the workplace. In addition, the section publishes studies that help solve workplace challenges involving different stakeholder groups to promote sustainability, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging management. To this end, the section welcomes submission of manuscripts including quantitative, qualitative, and/or mixed methods of investigations (original or meta-analyses) that further extends the field of I/O psychology.


A sample of topics appropriate for the section includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Benefits/Compensation/Payroll

  • Careers/Career Planning/Mentoring/Socialization/Onboarding/Retirement

  • Coaching/Leadership/Leadership Development

  • Cross Cultural/Global Issues

  • Data Analysis/Research Methods/Statistics

  • General Human Resources

  • General Organizational Behavior

  • Groups/Teams

  • HR Technology

  • Human Factors

  • Inclusion/Diversity (e.g., sexual orientation, race, gender, disabilities, equitable access to promotional opportunities)

  • Job Analysis/Job Design/Competency Modeling

  • Legal Issues/Employment Law/Trade/Union Issues/Employee/Labor Relations/EEO/AA

  • Motivation/Job Attitudes/Engagement/Surveys

  • Organizational Development

  • Organizational Performance/Organizational Effectiveness/Change Management/Downsizing

  • Performance Management/Succession Planning/Talent Management

  • Recruitment/Talent Acquisition/Sourcing

  • Strategy/Strategic HR/Strategic Human Capital

  • Testing/Assessment (e.g., selection system design, validation, staffing/hiring)

  • Training/Talent Development

  • Worker Well-Being/Occupational Health/Safety/Stress & Strain/Aging

  • Work-Family/Work-Life Balance

  • Workforce Planning

Areas of study
  • Solutions to workplace challenges involving varying stakeholder groups to promote sustainability, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging management

  • Different methods of investigations to expand this field of psychology

Language Psychology

Section Editor: Assoc. Professor Michael Kaschak, PhD

The Language section publishes research studies, review articles, and special issues in any area of research related to the cognitive science of language. Studies of language acquisition, language comprehension, and language production, as well as studies looking at the interplay between cognitive and linguistic processes, will be considered. Replication studies and registered reports are welcome. Contributors interested in developing a special issue should consult with the Section Editor. We aim to publish robust findings. As such, in addition to considerations of a manuscript's theoretical and empirical contribution, we will consider issues related to the reproducibility of research findings (e.g., adequate sample sizes, replications of the main research findings, adherence to open science practices).

Special section for publishing

  • Research studies

  • Review articles

  • Special issues

  • Replication studies

  • Registered reports

  • Interplay between cognitive and linguistic processes

  • Language acquisition, comprehension, and production in research areas related to the cognitive science of language

Lifespan Development

Section Editor: Professor Martha Arterberry, PhD

The Lifespan Development section is committed to publishing empirical studies across the lifespan in the following general areas: cognition, emotion, language, motor, parenting, perception, and socialization. Studies involving samples of children, parents, and families in any developmental period from prenatal to gerontological are invited. We welcome basic and applied research addressing development using a variety of rigorous methodologies from qualitative, to quantitative, or mixed that involve cross-sectional or longitudinal designs, as well as intervention research to inform educational and clinical practice and policy. Measures can be behavioral, self-report, physiological, or computational, ideally from multiple sources. Article formats can include empirical reports, theoretical and methodological reports, brief reports (short communications), and review papers including systematic reviews or meta-analyses.

High-quality empirical studies

Basic and applied research addressing various areas of development:

  • Cognition

  • Emotion

  • Language

  • Motor

  • Language

  • Perception

  • Socialization

Social Psychology

Section Editor: Professor Tobias Greitemeyer

The Social Psychology section publishes compelling research that investigates how people's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are influenced by others.

The Social Psychology section publishes novel and innovative studies that investigate how people's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors are influenced by others. Topics can cover all aspects of basic and applied social psychological research. Although the typical submission contains original data, theoretical articles and reviews, as well as replications of previous research, are also welcome. A strong focus is on the replicability of the presented findings. Hence, we ask for well-powered studies that employ sound measures. Detailed power considerations (including a justification for the expected effect size) should be reported and authors are encouraged to preregister their studies. Authors should also explicitly indicate whether there were any data exclusions and whether all manipulations and measures are reported. Upon acceptance, authors are encouraged to share their data and materials publicly.

Research focus

  • Research and replications studies

  • Review articles  

  • Registered reports

  • Meta-analysis

Psychology and Technology

Section Editor: Professor Matthieu Guitton, PhD

The Psychology and Technology section publishes research exploring human behavior in the age of technology.

The Psychology and Technology section publishes studies dealing with how technology influences psychology. From online communication to Internet addiction, technology has a tremendous impact on how we perceive and interact with others and with the world. This section is interested in experimental or theoretical research exploring how humans behave in the age of technology. Research handled in this section focuses on the interactions between psychology and technology, as well as with phenomena at the intersection between these two fields. This section is dealing with studies focusing on both cyberpsychology (psychology in, within, and in interaction with computerized spaces) and with studies exploring broader psychological phenomena analysed in a technological era perspective.

What we offer

  • Cyberspsychology: Psychology in, within, and in interaction with computerized spaces

  • Technological era perspective of broader psychological phenomena