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Elsevier's Institutional Ordering Platform

Our new platform offers a hassle-free, self-service experience for purchasing institutional access to ScienceDirect individual eBooks and journal products directly, without a sales representative.

Register or sign in to Elsevier's Institutional Ordering Platform opens in new tab/window

Browse our most popular Artificial Intelligence books!

Dive into the world of AI with our expertly curated ebooks, featuring insights from leading authors. Discover over 1,000 titles covering AI fundamentals like machine learning and real-world applications across 18 subject areas, including Product Engineering, Generative AI, Ethics for Health Care and more.

With 94% of librarians believing AI will accelerate knowledge discovery, equip your researchers with the resources they need to thrive.

Explore the full AI collection today on IOP opens in new tab/window.

Overview of the Platform

Elsevier’s Institutional Ordering Platform will enable you to purchase individual ScienceDirect eBooks, including monographs, textbooks, book series, handbooks, & major reference works, as well as journal subscriptions directly, without the need to contact your sales agent.

With extensive content coverage, you’ll have at immediate access to a wealth of valuable information:

  • Life Sciences

  • Physical Sciences and Engineering

  • Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Health Sciences

User interface of ScienceDirect's Institutional Ordering Platform

Benefits of the platform

Keep pace with the dynamic needs of your faculties and students to ensure the information they need is always available exactly when they need it. With a shifting focus within universities to e-learning, simplify your collection's physical to e-migration.

Why use our new platform?

  • Avoid the back and forth communication with your sales agent

  • Receive institutional access to the content you have purchased within 1 working day

  • Increased control over your product holdings

  • Ability to purchase ScienceDirect products 24/7

  • Enable multiple users to purchase on behalf of your institution

  • Ability to set up and manage purchasing approval rules

STEM biochemists sitting around a conference table

Experience our new platform

Elsevier's Institutional Ordering Platform is available only to existing ScienceDirect academic and government customers*.

*Please note: ScienceDirect Corporate, China-based, and India-based institutions cannot access the platform at the moment, we are working on enabling this platform for everyone in the near future.

If you are interested in registering to use the platform, request to sign up today!* opens in new tab/window

If you already have an Institutional Ordering Platform account, please sign in opens in new tab/window.

Any questions you may have about our platform, please use our Customer Service Center opens in new tab/window.

*Please note, all requests will take up to 5 working days to be approved and set up.