2023 Scientific Evidence for Elsevier HESI PN Exams
December 6, 2024
By Tracy A. Riley, PhD, APRN-CNS, CNE
Unlock Success with Evidence-Based Strategies and Resources
In this white paper, Elsevier delves into the latest research and studies that validate the value and impact of these exams in preparing nursing students for success. With a focus on evidence-based strategies and resources, Elsevier aim to provide educators, students, and professionals with valuable insights and actionable information. Explore the scientific evidence behind Elsevier HESI PN Exams and discover how they can enhance nursing education and contribute to better patient care.
White paper highlights
Subject Matter Expertise and Validation: HESI Review and Testing Solutions are meticulously crafted by subject matter experts and undergo rigorous internal and external research studies to ensure their validity and reliability. This commitment to expertise and validation guarantees that the exams accurately assess a student’s knowledge and readiness.
Customizable and Standardized Exams: HESI PN Specialty Exams offer content-specific assessments that can be utilized as standardized course final exams. This feature allows educators to tailor the exams to match their curriculum while maintaining a consistent evaluation framework. Additionally, these exams provide valuable computerized test practice opportunities for PN/VN students, accompanied by individualized performance reports that highlight knowledge strengths and weaknesses.
Predictive Success and Preparation: The E2, a component of HESI PN Exams, offers an objective performance score that serves as a reliable indicator of a student’s readiness for success on the NCLEX-PN. Research demonstrates that the E2 is highly predictive of NCLEX-PN success. Moreover, focused remediation resources are available to support student preparation for the NCLEX-PN, ensuring that students have the necessary tools and guidance to excel in their licensure examination.
Next Generation Exam Readiness: The new HESI Integrated PN Exams incorporate psychometrically sound items to prepare students for the upcoming 2023-2026 Next Generation NCLEX-PN Exam. By aligning with the evolving standards and expectations of the nursing field, these exams equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their future nursing careers.
White paper: 2023 Scientific Evidence for Elsevier HESI PN Exams
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HESI's valid and reliable assessments, preparation, and review products work seamlessly together to help analyze and improve student performance and promote clinical judgment.