Quick Facts
Origin: Renal artery.
Course: Segmental renal branches enter the kidney at renal hilum.
Branches: Segmental arterial branches.
Supplied Structures: Kidney.
Related parts of the anatomy
The anterior branch of the renal artery is formed by the bifurcation of the renal artery into two main branches next to, or at, the renal hilum.
The anterior branch of the renal artery travels almost horizontally. Along its lateral course, the artery travels posteriorly to the renal vein, and anteriorly to the ureter.
The number of anterior renal branches varies between individuals. There may be up to five segmental arterial branches. The branches continue to divide, passing to the renal columns within the cortex of the kidney, before terminating as the glomeruli of the nephron.
Supplied Structures
The anterior branch of the renal artery supplies the medulla and cortex of the kidney.
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Renal Artery

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