Quick Facts
Origin: Deep external pudendal artery, a branch of the femoral artery.
Course: Short course in the inguinal region.
Branches: No branches.
Supplied Structures: Labium majus.
Related parts of the anatomy
The anterior labial arteries originate from the deep external pudendal artery, a branch of the femoral artery. They are synonymous with the anterior scrotal arteries in males.
After the deep external pudendal artery pierces the fascia lata, it divides into inguinal and anterior labial branches (female), or scrotal branches (male). The anterior labial branches of deep external pudendal artery may anastomose with the posterior labial arteries arising from the internal pudendal artery.
As the anterior labial branches are terminal arteries, they undergo no further division.
Supplied Structures
The anterior labial arteries supply the labia majora.