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Basal Part of Right Pulmonary Artery
Cardiovascular System

Basal Part of Right Pulmonary Artery

Pars basalis arteriae pulmonalis dextrae

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Quick Facts

Origin: Inferior lobar artery of right lung.

Course: Accompanies the inferior lobar bronchus of the right lung.

Branches: Anterior, medial, lateral, and posterior basal segmental arteries.

Supplied Structures: Basal bronchopulmonary segments of the inferior lobe of the right lung.

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The basal part of the right pulmonary artery is a continuation of the inferior lobar artery, after it gives off its superior segmental artery.


The basal part of the inferior lobar artery extends into the inferior lobe of the right lung, accompanied by the inferior lobar bronchus.


The basal part of the right pulmonary artery gives rise to numerous branches. These include the medial, anterior, lateral and posterior basal segmental arteries.

Supplied Structures

The basal part of the right pulmonary artery supplies blood to the basal part of the inferior lobe of the right lung.

List of Clinical Correlates

- Pulmonary embolism

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