Calcaneal Branches of Posterior Tibial Artery (Right)
Rami calcanei arteriae tibialis posterioris
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Posterior tibial artery.
Course: Descends deep to the flexor retinaculum of the foot.
Branches: Anastomoses with the calcaneal branches of the fibular artery.
Supplied Structures: Calcaneus tendon, fascia and cutaneous tissue of the heel.
Related parts of the anatomy
The calcaneal branches of the posterior tibial artery originate from the posterior tibial artery just before its terminal bifurcation in the distal leg.
The calcaneal branches of the posterior tibial artery extend through the flexor retinaculum of the foot and runs along the medial and posterior aspects of the calcaneus.
There are no named branches, however, the calcaneal branches of the posterior tibial artery anastomose with the corresponding calcaneal branches of the fibular artery.
Supplied Structures
The calcaneal branches contribute to the supply of the calcaneus tendon, cutaneous tissue in the heel, and the calcaneal bursa that lies between the tendon and the calcaneus. It also supplies the muscles on the medial aspect of the plantar surface of the foot.
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Posterior Tibial Artery

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