Deep External Pudendal Artery (Right)
Arteria pudendalis externa profunda
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Origin: Femoral artery.
Course: Crosses the thigh to reach the perineum and scrotum (male) or labia majora (female).
Branches: Anterior scrotal (male) or labial branches (female).
Supplied Structures: Skin of perineum and external genitalia.
The deep external pudendal artery arises from the medial surface of the proximal third of the femoral artery.
The deep external pudendal artery takes a horizontal course and travels medially over the pectineus and adductor longus muscles to enter the anterior aspect of the urogenital triangle.
In males, the deep external pudendal artery gives off anterior scrotal branches. In females, the deep external pudendal artery gives off anterior labial branches.
Supplied Structures
The deep external pudendal artery provides an arterial supply to the skin of the external genitalia and perineum.
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Arteries are vessels transporting blood between heart, tissues, and other organs in order to supply them with nutrition and oxygen.