Quick Facts
Origin: Maxillary artery.
Course: Descends in the greater palatine canal.
Branches: Greater and lesser palatine arteries.
Supplied Structures: Soft and hard palates.
Related parts of the anatomy
The descending palatine artery is a terminal branch of the third part of the maxillary artery as it passes through the pterygopalatine fossa.
The descending palatine artery leaves the pterygopalatine fossa by descending in the greater palatine canal (pterygopalatine, palatomaxillary, or sphenopalatine canal), a canal in the sphenoid and palatine bones.
The descending palatine artery terminates by giving rise to the greater and lesser palatine arteries before exiting the greater palatine canal.
Supplied Structures
The descending palatine artery supplies the hard and soft palates.