Dorsal Lingual Branches of Lingual Artery (Right)
Rami dorsales linguae arteriae lingualis
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Lingual artery.
Course: Ascend to the dorsum of the tongue.
Branches: None.
Supplied Structures: Soft palate, tonsils, and adjacent areas.
Related parts of the anatomy
The dorsal lingual branches of the lingual artery are the first branches arising from the lingual artery.
The dorsal lingual branches arise medial to the hyoglossus muscle. They ascend to the dorsum of the tongue.
The dorsal lingual branches give rise to a tonsillar branch. Additionally, it forms an anastomosis with its fellow branch from the opposite side.
Supplied Structures
The dorsal lingual branches of the lingual artery supply the soft palate, tonsils, epiglottis, palatoglossal arch, and adjacent mucous membrane.
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Arteries are vessels transporting blood between heart, tissues, and other organs in order to supply them with nutrition and oxygen.