Incisive Branch of Inferior Alveolar Artery (Left)
Ramus incisivus arteriae alveolaris inferioris
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Inferior alveolar artery.
Course: Courses medially in the mandible, below the incisor teeth.
Branches: Dental and peridental branches.
Supplied Structures: Mandibular dental arcade.
Related parts of the anatomy
The incisive branch of the inferior alveolar artery is a continuation of the inferior alveolar artery once the mental artery arises.
The incisive branch of the inferior alveolar artery traverses the mandibular canal, accompanied by the terminal end of the inferior alveolar nerve.
The incisive branch of the inferior alveolar artery gives rise to dental and peridental branches.
Supplied Structures
The incisive branch of the inferior alveolar artery supplies the roots and pulp of the teeth of the lower jaw (i.e., the mandibular dental arcades).
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Arteries are vessels transporting blood between heart, tissues, and other organs in order to supply them with nutrition and oxygen.