Lateral Sacral Branches of Median Sacral Artery
Rami sacrales laterales arteriae sacralis medianae
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Median sacral artery.
Course: Laterally towards the lateral sacral arteries.
Branches: Small spinal branches.
Supplied Structures: The sacrum.
The lateral sacral branches are small branches that originate from the median sacral artery.
They travel laterally towards the lateral sacral arteries, which arises from the internal iliac artery.
They give off a series of small spinal branches before they anastomose with the lateral sacral branches.
Supplied Structures
The lateral sacral branches contribute to the vasculature of the sacrum and the coccyx. In addition, they anastomose with the lateral sacral arteries. The small spinal branches supply the sacral canal and posterior aspect of the sacrum.