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Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery
Cardiovascular System

Medial Circumflex Femoral Artery

Arteria circumflexa medialis femoris

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Quick Facts

Origin: Deep femoral artery.

Course: Posteriorly around the femoral neck.

Branches: Acetabular, ascending, and transverse branches of the medial circumflex femoral artery.

Supplied Structures: The femoral head and neck, the hip joint, gluteal, adductor, and hamstring muscles.

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The medial circumflex femoral artery is a branch of the deep femoral artery. It usually arises from the posteromedial aspect of the deep femoral artery; however, it may originate with the deep femoral artery or with the lateral circumflex artery as a single trunk.


The medial circumflex femoral artery courses medially around to the posterior aspect of the femur. At first it sits between the pectineus and psoas major muscles. As it continues, it sits between the obturator externus and the adductor brevis muscles.

In its terminal portion, it lies between the quadratus femoris and the superior aspect of the adductor magnus muscle. It then divides into a transverse and an ascending branch.


The medial circumflex femoral artery gives off an acetabular branch before it divides into its two terminal branches; the ascending and transverse branches.

Supplied Structures

The medial circumflex femoral artery supplies some of the adductor, hamstring and gluteal muscles, the femoral head and neck, as well as contributing to the vasculature of the hip joint.

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Arteries are vessels transporting blood between heart, tissues, and other organs in order to supply them with nutrition and oxygen.

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