Quick Facts
Origin: Abdominal aorta.
Course: Superolaterally towards the suprarenal gland.
Branches: Small unnamed branches.
Supplied Structures: Suprarenal glands.
Related parts of the anatomy
The middle suprarenal artery originates from the abdominal aorta with its contralateral counterpart at the lower border of the first lumbar vertebra (L1). This is at the same level as the superior mesenteric artery. It may also arise from the inferior phrenic or renal artery.
On each side, the middle suprarenal arteries travel in a superolateral direction as they ascend over the lateral borders of the diaphragmatic crura. The right suprarenal artery travels posterior to the inferior vena cava. The arteries reach the inferomedial aspect of the suprarenal glands.
Several small branches arise and anastomose with other suprarenal arteries prior to passing through the capsule of the suprarenal gland.
Supplied Structures
The middle suprarenal artery supplies the suprarenal gland.
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Arteries are vessels transporting blood between heart, tissues, and other organs in order to supply them with nutrition and oxygen.