Tonsillar Branch of Facial Artery (Right)
Ramus tonsillaris arteriae facialis
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Facial artery.
Course: Ascends between styloglossus and medial pterygoid muscles, pierces superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle to reach the palatine tonsils.
Branches: None.
Supplied Structures: Palatine tonsils and superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle.
Related parts of the anatomy
The tonsillar branch of the facial artery arises from the facial artery most commonly; however, it may arise from the ascending palatine artery.
The tonsillar branch of the facial artery ascends between the styloglossus and medial pterygoid muscles to reach the pharynx. At the superior border of the styloglossus muscle, the tonsillar branch pierces through the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle to reach the inferior pole of the palatine tonsil.
There are no named branches.
Supplied Structures
The tonsillar branch of the facial artery provides the main blood supply to the palatine tonsils and superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle.
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