Fifth Anterior Intercostal Vein (Left)
Vena intercostalis anterior quinta
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Fifth intercostal space.
Course: Anteriorly within the intercostal space.
Tributaries: None.
Drainage: Intercostal space, sternum, and skin.
Related parts of the anatomy
The anterior intercostal veins are small venae comitantes of the anterior intercostal branches of the internal thoracic artery.
The anterior intercostal veins course through their corresponding intercostal spaces. They drain the blood anteriorly, where the most superior veins drain into the internal thoracic vein and inferior veins drain into the musculophrenic vein.
There are no named tributaries; however, they do form an anastomosis with the posterior intercostal veins.
Structures Drained
The anterior intercostal veins drain the muscles of the intercostal space, the sternum, and overlying skin.
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