Quick Facts
Origin: Union of the metatarsal veins.
Course: Proximal end of the first interosseous space to the base of the fifth metatarsal bone.
Tributaries: Plantar metatarsal veins.
Drainage: Foot.
Related parts of the anatomy
The plantar venous arch arises from the union of the metatarsal veins.
The plantar venous arch, accompanied by the plantar arterial arch, extends from the first interosseous space to the base of the fifth metatarsal bone (Ricci et al, 2014). It is drained by the medial and lateral plantar veins.
The plantar venous arch receives the plantar metatarsal veins, which are connected to the dorsal metatarsal veins via intercapitular veins, thus, connecting the plantar venous arch with the dorsal venous arch.
Structures Drained
The plantar venous arch drains blood from the digits of the foot and surrounding plantar muscles.
Ricci, S., Moro, L. & Antonelli Incalzi, R. (2014) The foot venous system: anatomy, physiology and relevance to clinical practice. Dermatol Surg, 40(3), 225-33.
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