Quick Facts
Origin: Inferior to the twelfth rib.
Course: Travels under the twelfth rib.
Tributaries: Dorsal branch of subcostal vein.
Drainage: Twelfth rib and upper posterior abdominal wall.
Related parts of the anatomy
The subcostal vein originates under the twelfth rib.
The subcostal vein runs with the subcostal artery inferior to the twelfth rib and anterior to the twelfth thoracic vertebral body. Inferior to the diaphragm, the subcostal vein unites with the ascending lumbar vein to form the azygos vein on the right and the hemiazygos vein on the left. The vein pierces the aponeurosis of transversus abdominis muscle and travels between it and the internal abdominal oblique muscle.
The subcostal veins receive dorsal branches, similar to the intercostal veins. It forms anastomoses with the superior epigastric, lower posterior intercostal, and lumbar veins.
Structures Drained
The subcostal vein drains the upper posterior abdominal wall, inferior to the twelfth ribs.
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