Quick Facts
Origin: Tympanic cavity.
Course: Accompanies the facial nerve from the tympanic cavity into the facial canal to the stylomastoid foramen.
Tributaries: None.
Drainage: Tympanic cavity, tympanic antrum, mastoid air cells, and the semicircular canals.
Related parts of the anatomy
The stylomastoid vein originates from a network of veins inside the tympanic cavity.
The stylomastoid vein accompanies the facial nerve from the tympanic cavity and travels inside the facial canal to reach the stylomastoid foramen. It drains into posterior auricular vein.
There are no named tributaries.
Structures Drained
The stylomastoid vein drains the tympanic cavity, tympanic antrum, mastoid air cells, and the semicircular canals.
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