Quick Facts
Origin: Inguinal region of the superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall.
Course: Runs inferiorly to drains into the long saphenous vein or femoral vein.
Tributaries: Thoracoepigastric vein and tributaries of the paraumbilical veins.
Drainage: Skin of medial thigh, external genitalia, and pubic symphysis.
The superficial epigastric vein originates in the inguinal region of the superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall.
From its origin, the vein travels inferiorly, within the superficial fascia of the abdominal wall, to drain into the long saphenous vein or femoral vein, close to the saphenous opening.
The superficial epigastric vein receives tributaries from the paraumbilical and thoracoepigastric vein.
Structures Drained
The superficial epigastric vein drains the skin of the medial thigh, the external genitalia, and the pubic symphysis.
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