The lateral palpebral (canthic) ligament is poorly developed. It passes from the lateral edges of the superior and inferior tarsal plates to marginal (or Whitnall’s) tubercle on the zygomatic bone (forming part of the orbital margin).
Related parts of the anatomy
The lateral palpebral ligament is responsible for the structure of the lateral canthus (Parent et al, 1993).
Parent, A. D., Das, S. K., Mallette, R. A. and Haines, D. E. (1993) 'Significance of the lateral canthal tendon in craniofacial surgery', Pediatr Neurosurg, 19(2), pp. 73-7.
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Joint Ligament

Entheseal structures are widely located throughout the body and are represented by the interface between bone and several tissues including tendon, joint capsules and ligaments.