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Superficial Temporal Fat Pad (Right)
Connective Tissue

Superficial Temporal Fat Pad (Right)

Corpus adiposum temporalis superficialis

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The superficial temporal fat pad is situated inside the temporal fossa and contributes to the soft tissue bulge seen in the anteroinferior temporal fossa. It fills in the space between the temporalis muscle and the zygomatic arch (along with the deep temporal fat pad). However, the depth of the fat pad decreases superiorly, with the temporalis muscle lying much closer to the skin. Some studies have reported the superficial temporal fat pad extending posteriorly, past the external auditory meatus (Stephan & Devine, 2009).

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Key Features/Anatomical Relations

Various structures must be dissected to expose the superficial temporal fat pad (which also form its lateral relations): the skin, subcutaneous fat, temporoparietal fascia, and the superficial fascial lamina of the superficial temporal fat pad.

The vascular supply of the superficial temporal fat pad includes branching perforators from the deep and middle temporal arteries that traverse through the substance of the fat pad (Kim & Matic, 2005).


The superficial temporal fat pad contributes to face morphology.


Kim, S. & Matic, D. B. (2005) The anatomy of temporal hollowing: the superficial temporal fat pad. J Craniofac Surg, 16(4), 651-4.

Stephan, C. N. & Devine, M. (2009) The superficial temporal fat pad and its ramifications for temporalis muscle construction in facial approximation. Forensic Sci Int, 191(1-3), 70-9.

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