![Subtalar Joint (Left)](https://cdn.3d4medical.com/complete_anatomy-userdata/video-sticky/ab/3777fe758b.webp?fm=webp&w=738&q=75)
The subtalar joint refers to the articulation between the posterior calcaneal articular facet of the talus and the posterior talar articular facet of the calcaneus. This joint is a modified multiaxial joint and plays a role in movements such as inversion and eversion. Additionally, the subtalar joint is a synovial joint, where the posterior concave facet of the talus receives the convex posterior facet of the calcaneus.
The subtalar joint is supported by a fibrous capsule, and the lateral, medial, interosseous, and posterior talocalcaneal ligaments.
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Subtalar Joint
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The posterior talocalcaneal, or posterior subtalar joint, is a synovium-lined articulation formed by the posterior convex calcaneal facet of the talus and the posterior concave talar facet of the calcaneus.
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