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Axillary Fascia
Connective Tissue

Axillary Fascia

Fascia axillaris

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Anatomical Relations

The axillary fascia is the thicken inferolateral part of the pectoral fascia. The axillary fascia extends between the pectoralis major anteriorly and the latissimus dorsi posteriorly. It is pierced by the tail of the breast.

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The axillary fascia is a thick strong fibrous layer that forms the floor of the axilla. A layer of axillary fascia reflects superiorly to become continuous with the suspensory ligament of the axilla.


The axillary fascia is responsible for tethering the axillary skin to the floor of the axilla, producing the hollow of the armpit. This action is supported by the suspensory ligament of the axilla.

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