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Palpebral Branches of Infratrochlear Nerve
Eye & Accessory Visual Structures

Palpebral Branches of Infratrochlear Nerve

Rami palpebrales nervi infratrochlearis

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Quick Facts

Origin: Infratrochlear nerve.

Course: Exits the orbit along the medial wall, inferior to the trochlea in the superomedial corner of the orbit. It enters the upper and lower eyelids medially.

Branches: None.

Supply: Skin and conjunctiva medial eyelids, lacrimal caruncle, and lacrimal sac.

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The palpebral branches of the infratrochlear nerve are the terminal branches of the infratrochlear nerve, itself one of two terminal branches of the nasociliary nerve.


The palpebral branches arise from the infratrochlear nerve as it emerges from the superomedial aspect of the orbit, below the trochlea of the superior oblique muscle. They course superficially within the skin of the eyelids.


There are no named branches.

Supplied Structures

The palpebral branches of the infratrochlear nerve help provide general sensory innervation to the eyelids, lacrimal caruncle, lacrimal sac, and lateral aspect of the nose above the medial canthus (Dorland, 2011).


Dorland, W. (2011) Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. 32nd edn. Philadelphia, USA: Elsevier Sauders.

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