Zygomatic Branches of Facial Nerve
Rami zygomatici nervi facialis
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Superior division of the facial nerve.
Course: Runs anteriorly and slightly superiorly, through the parotid gland to the region of the lateral orbit.
Branches: None.
Supply: Motor innervation to the muscles of facial expression located in the middle portion of the face.
The cell bodies of the zygomatic branch axons are located in the facial nerve nucleus of the pons. The axons travel in the facial nerve, emerging from the cranium at the stylomastoid foramen. They then turn sharply anterior and pass through the substance of the parotid gland. The superior-most branch of the parotid plexus of the facial nerve gives rise to the zygomatic branch.
The zygomatic branches of the facial nerve continue anteriorly and slightly superiorly leaving the parotid gland and continuing forward, towards the lateral orbit.
There are no named branches, however, the zygomatic branches of the facial nerve can form anastomoses with temporal and buccal branch fibers.
Supplied Structures
The zygomatic branches of the facial nerve are motor nerves that innervate muscles of facial expression in and around the orbit including procerus, orbicularis oculi, levator labii superioris, and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscles.
List of Clinical Correlates
—Surgery for parotid tumors and need to exert great care not to damage facial nerve branches
—Bell’s Palsy