Preglandular Submandibular Nodes (Left)
Nodi submandibulares preglandulares
Read moreQuick Facts
Location: Lateral to mylohyoid muscle.
Drainage: Submandibular and sublingual glands, inferior oral cavity, tongue, gingiva, teeth, and skin covering the lips and chin.
Direction of Flow: Retrovascular submandibular node > jugulodigastric nodes > internal jugular nodes > supraclavicular nodes > jugular trunk > thoracic duct (left) or right lymphatic duct.
The preglandular lymph nodes consist of one or two small nodes sitting lateral to the belly of the mylohyoid muscle, in a triangle formed by the inferior mandibular margin, the anterior belly of digastric, and the anterior margin of the submandibular gland.
These nodes have efferents from the skin surrounding the mouth and the oral cavity.
Lymph collected will drain into the retrovascular submandibular nodes before entering the jugulodigastric nodes and subsequently draining into the internal jugular nodes which are components of the deep lateral cervical lymph nodes (Földi et al., 2012).
List of Clinical Correlates
—Oral, tooth or cutaneous infections or malignancies
Földi, M., Földi, E., Strößenreuther, R. and Kubik, S. (2012) Földi's Textbook of Lymphology: for Physicians and Lymphedema Therapists. Elsevier Health Sciences.