Quick Facts
Location: Along the femoral artery and vein.
Drainage: Muscles, joints, fascia and periosteum of the lower limb, glans of penis or clitoris.
Direction of Flow: Deep inguinal nodes > common iliac lymph nodes > lateral aortic lymph nodes (left) and lateral caval lymph nodes (right) > left and right lumbar lymph trunk > cisterna chyli > thoracic duct.
Related parts of the anatomy
The deep inguinal lymph vessels are located deep to the superficial fatty layer. They collect lymph from the deep inguinal lymph nodes, genitals, and abdominal wall. They drain mainly into the external iliac lymph nodes.
The deep inguinal lymph nodes form a chain along the femoral artery and vein. These nodes continue superiorly as the medial external iliac nodes. The most proximal node is the most consistently present node is located within the femoral ring.
The deep inguinal lymph nodes drain the muscles, joints, fascia, and periosteum of the lower limb. They also receive lymph drainage from the superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Efferent vessels of the deep inguinal lymph nodes pass to the medial external iliac lymph nodes.