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Muscular System



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Quick Facts

Origin: Alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, pterygomandibular raphe.

Insertion: Angle of mouth.

Action: Compresses cheeks.

Innervation: Buccal branches of facial nerve (CN VII).

Arterial Supply: Buccal artery.

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The buccinator muscle originates from the alveolar process of the mandible and the maxilla, as well as the anterior margin of the pterygomandibular raphe.


The fibers of the buccinator muscle converge at the modiolus of angulus oris and merge with the fibers of the orbicularis oris muscle.

Key Features & Anatomical Relations

The posterior portion of the buccinator muscle is deep and lies on the internal aspect the ramus of the mandible. There is a fat pat that sits between the posterior portion of the buccinators and the ramus of the mandible.

The zygomaticus major, risorius, levator angular oris, and depressor angular oris muscle and the parotid gland sit superficial to the buccinator muscle. The facial artery, vein, and the buccal branches of the facial nerve also sit superficial to the buccinators.

The parotid duct pierces buccinators before entering the mouth opposite the second upper molar.


The buccinator muscle compresses the cheeks against the teeth and gums. This action is used when moving food during mastication and also when expelling air from the mouth when playing wind instruments (Standring, 2016).


Standring, S. (2016) Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Gray's Anatomy Series 41st edn.: Elsevier Limited.

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