Quick Facts
Origin: Incisive fossa of maxilla.
Insertion: Ala and septum of nose.
Action: Draws nasal septum downwards; narrows nostrils.
Innervation: Buccal and zygomatic branches of facial nerve (CN VII).
Arterial Supply: Nasal septal branch of facial artery.
The depressor septi nasi muscle arises from the incisive fossa of the maxilla. It is also blended with the fibers of the orbicularis oris muscle.
The fibers of the depressor septi nasi muscle insert into the membranous part of the nasal septum (the columella), the mobile part of the nasal septum, and to the medial crus of the major alar cartilage.
The depressor septi nasi muscle draws the nasal septum and tip of the nose downwards. It also narrows the nostrils (Netter, 2011).
List of Clinical Correlates
- Bell’s palsy
Netter, F. H. (2011) Atlas of Human Anatomy. Netter Basic Science Series: Saunders/Elsevier.