Quick Facts
Origin: Optic chiasm.
Course: Runs posteriorly, inferior to the cortex, towards the lateral geniculate nucleus.
Branches: None.
Supply: Conveys visual information to the cerebral cortex.
Related parts of the anatomy
The optic tract originates at the posterior margin of the optic chiasm.
The optic tract runs posterior and slightly laterally from the optic chiasm, wrapping around the cerebral peduncle before penetrating the brain and sending axons to its targets.
The optic tract does not branch external to the cortex. Within the cortex however, axons are sent to several different locations, including the lateral geniculate nucleus, superior colliculus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, and pretectal nuclei.
Supplied Structures
The optic tract is sensory, conveying visual information to several parts of the brain. The majority of fibers carrying visual information travel to the lateral geniculate nucleus, where it will be relayed to the primary visual cortex.
Additional fibers travel to the superior colliculus, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and pretectal nuclei. This information is involved in reflexive actions such as the pupillary light reflex, accommodation reflex, and reflexive eye movements.
List of Clinical Correlates
- Visual deficits
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Optic Tract

The optic tracts end in the lateral geniculate nucleus where the retinal ganglion cell axons synapse with the nerve cell bodies whose axons make up the optic radiation.