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Subthalamic Nucleus (Right)
Nervous System

Subthalamic Nucleus (Right)

Nucleus subthalamicus

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Quick Facts

The subthalamic nucleus (aka nucleus of Luys, or Luys's body) forms a major part of the subthalamus and lies ventral to the thalamus. It is also dorsal to the substantia nigra and medial to the internal capsule. Functionally, is part of the basal ganglia system.

The subthalamus develops efferent (output) connections to the striatum (caudate nucleus and putamen) in the telencephalon, to the dorsal thalamus (medial and lateral nuclear groups) in the diencephalon, and to the red nucleus and substantia nigra in the mesencephalon. It receives afferent (input) connections from the substantia nigra and striatum.

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Subthalamic Nucleus

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