Collateral Branch of Fifth Intercostal Nerve (Right)
Ramus collateralis nervi intercostalis quinti
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Fifth intercostal nerve.
Course: Within the fifth intercostal space.
Branches: None.
Supply: Intercostal muscles and parietal pleura.
Related parts of the anatomy
The collateral branches arise from the anterior rami of the thoracic nerves (or intercostal nerves) early in their course.
The collateral branches arise medial to the angles of the ribs. It courses along the intercostal space, following the superior border of the rib below and within the same muscular plane as the anterior ramus (or intercostal nerve). The collateral branches are accompanied by a collateral artery and vein, respectively.
There are no named branches of the collateral branches; however, they may rejoin the anterior ramus before it gives off its anterior cutaneous contribution.
Supplied Structures & Function
The collateral branches aid in supplying the intercostal muscles and parietal pleural of the lungs.
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Intercostal Nerve

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