Common Plantar Digital Branches of Medial Plantar Nerve
Rami digitales plantares communes nervi plantaris medialis
Read moreQuick Facts
Origin: Medial plantar nerve.
Course: Extend distally, from the bases of the metatarsals towards the digits.
Branches: Proper plantar digital nerves.
Supply: Motor innervation to the first lumbrical and flexor hallucis brevis muscles; Sensory innervation to the medial aspect of the foot and the skin between the digits one to four.
Related parts of the anatomy
The common plantar digital branches arise from the medial plantar nerve, near the bases of the metatarsal bones. There are usually three common plantar branches.
From the bases of the metatarsals, the three common plantar digital branches pass distally, passing between the plantar aponeurosis and towards the first, second, and third interdigital clefts.
Each common plantar digital branch gives rise to two proper plantar digital branches.
Supplied Structures
The common plantar digital branches supply sensory innervation for medial plantar surface of the foot and first to fourth digits. Additionally, the first (most medial) common plantar digital branch sends motor innervation to the first lumbrical and flexor hallucis brevis muscles (Dorland, 2011).
List of Clinical Correlates
—Morton’s neuroma
Dorland, W. A. (2011) Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. 32nd edn.