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Inferior Gluteal Cutaneous Nerves
Nervous System

Inferior Gluteal Cutaneous Nerves

Nervi cutanei glutei inferiores

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Quick Facts

Origin: Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve (S1—S3).

Course: After the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve passes through the greater sciatic foramen to enter the pelvic cavity, it gives off gluteal cutaneous branches.

Branches: None.

Supply: Sensory innervation to the skin over the inferior half of the buttock.

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The inferior gluteal cutaneous nerves, or inferior cluneal nerves, are cutaneous branches of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve.


The posterior femoral cutaneous nerve passes through the greater sciatic foramen underneath the piriformis muscle, to enter the pelvic cavity. It descends underneath the gluteus maximus and fascia latae and gives off the inferior gluteal cutaneous nerves.


There are no named branches.

Supplied Structures

The inferior gluteal cutaneous nerves provide sensory innervation to the skin over the inferior half of the buttock.

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