Quick Facts
Origin: Superior cervical ganglion.
Course: Ascends to the cranial base where it divides into two unnamed branches that connect to the inferior glossopharyngeal ganglion and the superior vagal ganglion.
Branches: None.
Supply: Connects the superior cervical ganglion to the inferior glossopharyngeal and superior vagal ganglia.
Related parts of the anatomy
The jugular nerve is a sympathetic nerve that originates from the superior cervical ganglion.
The jugular nerve ascends to the cranial base. Here it divides into two branches that connect to the inferior glossopharyngeal ganglion and the superior vagal ganglion.
There are no named branches.
Supplied Structures & Function
The jugular nerve connects the superior cervical ganglion to the inferior glossopharyngeal ganglion and the superior vagal ganglion.
List of Clinical Correlates
—Horner’s syndrome
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