Quick Facts
Origin: From the anterior ramus of fourth lumbar (L4) nerve.
Course: Branches from the anterior ramus of L4 and joins with anterior ramus of L5 to form the lumbosacral trunk.
Branches: No branches.
Supply: Lumbosacral trunk combines with anterior rami of S1—S4 to from the sacral plexus.
Related parts of the anatomy
From the anterior ramus of the fourth lumbar nerve (L4).
The lumbosacral communicating nerve branches out from the anterior ramus of the fourth lumbar nerve (L4). It joins with the anterior ramus of the fifth lumbar nerve (L5) to form the lumbosacral trunk. The trunk descends into the pelvic cavity, in front of the sacroiliac joint, and joins with the anterior rami of S1—S4 to form the sacral plexus on the lateral pelvic wall.
The lumbosacral communicating nerve does not give off any branches.
Supplied Structures
Lumbosacral trunk combines with anterior rami of S1—S4 to from the sacral plexus.