Quick Facts
Origin: Anterior rami of third and fourth cervical nerves (C3-4).
Course: Descends from the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle to a level slightly above the clavicle.
Branches: Medial, intermediate, and lateral supraclavicular nerves.
Supply: Skin around the shoulder (above the second rib anteriorly, covering the pectoralis major and deltoid muscle, and laterally over the trapezius muscle).
The supraclavicular nerves are three groups of nerves that arise from a common nerve trunk, that receives its sensory neurons from the anterior rami of third and fourth cervical nerves.
The common nerve trunk emerges at the posterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle and descends in a plane deep to the platysma and deep cervical fascia.
The common nerve trunk of the supraclavicular nerve divides into medial, intermediate and lateral supraclavicular nerves. These branches pierce the deep cervical fascia to reach a superficial plane.
Supplied Structures
The medial supraclavicular nerve provides sensory innervation to the skin near the midline, as far below as the second rib. It also gives an articular branch to the sternoclavicular joint.
The intermediate supraclavicular nerve provides sensory innervation to the skin above the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles, as far below as the second rib.
The lateral supraclavicular nerve descends over the shoulder to supply the skin of that region.