Quick Facts
Peripolar cells are a population of cells found at the vascular poles of the glomerular capsule (Gardiner et al., 1991).
Related parts of the anatomy
Structure and/or Key Feature(s)
The peripolar cells contain numerous cytoplasmic granules, which appear to be secretory. They are usually spare and variable in number (Gardiner, More and Lindop, 1986).
Anatomical Relations
The peripolar cells are found at the vascular pole of the renal corpuscle and are associated with the afferent arteriole.
It is suggested that peripolar cells form part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. They may be secretory cells that play a role in renal tubular function (Gardiner, More and Lindop, 1986).
Gardiner, D. S., Downie, I., Gibson, I. W., More, I. A. and Lindop, G. B. (1991) 'The glomerular peripolar cell: a review', Histol Histopathol, 6(4), pp. 567-73.
Gardiner, D. S., More, I. A. and Lindop, G. B. (1986) 'The granular peripolar cell of the human glomerulus: an ultrastructural study', Journal of anatomy, 146, pp. 31-43.