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Bronchi of Inferior Lobe of Right Lung
Respiratory System

Bronchi of Inferior Lobe of Right Lung

Bronchi lobi inferioris pulmonis dextri

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The right inferior lobar bronchus provides an airway for the entire inferior lobe of the right lung. It arises as a continuation of the bronchus intermedius, past the origin of the middle lobar bronchus. The right inferior lobar bronchus passes inferolaterally and slightly posterior to enter the inferior lobe of the right lung. Initially, a large superior segmental bronchus arises from the right inferior lobar bronchus posteriorly. The right inferior lobar bronchus continues inferiorly, giving off several basal segmental branches, including the medial, anterior, lateral, and posterior basal segmental bronchi. These bronchial branches ensure each bronchopulmonary segment of the inferior lobe of the right lung is supplied with an airway.

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Bronchioles are defined as distal airways that are the continuation of bronchi but are contained within the lung lobe.

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